Yong Swee Meng
SEGi College Subang Jaya
English for Academic Studies - Journal

Monday 2 December 2013

You Raise Me Up - by JOSH GROBAN

I choose this topic because it always motivate and make me feel comfortable while i am down. It is a simple but relax, soft and emotional song. After listening to this song, i stand up again and again. I know a perfect person doesn't exist. Even thought we face failure but life is still going on and we should never give up. Hope and chances will come in the end for every person. We are who we are, just do what we want to do and. This is our life and we only live once. Live while we were young.

When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary
When troubles come and my heart burdened be
Then I am still and wait here in the silence
Until you come and sit awhile with me
You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be
There is no life - no life without it's. Hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity,
You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be
You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be
You raise me up to more than I can be

Monday 25 November 2013

Premarital Sex

I think it is fine if a couple know the consequences. It is just like a part of a life. However, if pregnancy happen, both of the couple should take fully responsibility. If a couple really know each other well and they think they could keeping their relationship until forever. Add on, love it not just about sex, it is part of life. A couple have to face each other at least half of their life. How to keeping their relationship in a good condition, how to communicate and look after the family...I think it is very important. Love further and think deeper. We could see much more and feel much more.

Monday 18 November 2013


Not really know much about it. The only thing i know that, never steal and rob from other people. Money is important but it is not everything. The only thing we can do is try hard to get extra side money income while we work. But i think that it is about fate that not everyone could become as rich as we want.

Monday 11 November 2013

Computer Games

Personality thinks that the benefit is more than the bad. I learnt much from games.

This profession is good because it gets salary, sponsor, contract, prize pool, etc, just like sports. Even fail to be huge success, but we also can go to game academy/ company. Nowadays, designing and programming a game also earn huge income. E-sport just like sport, not everyone can be successful, but it is stable as we can go to coach, team manager, game commentator, even can join some event. For example, i got many friends teaching badminton, basketball, swimming and also a friend who teaching gamer in a e-sport team. Even they are part time but the salary has surpass other profession full time.

eg: 1 class 2 hour 100 ~ 200 (depend on level of student),
     1 day 2-5 class = 200-400 ~ 500-1000 x 30days = 6,000-8,000 ~ 10,000-30,000
(but for e-sport it is monthly salary about 5,000 - 8,000 averagely

Besides, a gamer like me, always committed, full time, handwork, enjoy, serious, concentrate, practice, thinking, try-hard, etc. But the attitude only for games. It is even better as children/student nowadays study at school/university. Those children/student suffer for it, never serious, never preview or review the chapter, and laziness to the max. Because they never like it. It is also one of the reason that gamer will become better and better, but student will become worst and worst.

Personality think that Malaysia gamer gaming skills are top in Asia follow after China. Wish that if there is a Malaysia team got Champion, maybe things will be different in Malaysia. More game event/tournament organised, more and more team formed, different view from people and parents. And maybe my life will be more interesting.

If i am parents, i will allow him to go for it, as long as he like it, he fall in love with it. As long as we love it and never give up. It is fine. I feel like it is just no limit in it. Improvement everyday. Stronger and stronger.

Monday 4 November 2013

Cyber Bulling

I think this world cause cyber bulling because it is like a strong world with law of the jungle. Even though it is pacifism but still there are people who differentiate them self with others. "The weak should obey the stronger". This is the society. Nothing much we can do about that. 

It is quite dangerous as making joke, making fun on a unprotected person, may cause the person deep depression, leave shadow in his heart, suicide, etc. Once founded there is cyber bulling on social media, network or on the spot, action should be taken immediately. Give warning, report to both parents, school, principle. Proper punishment should be given. They need more support, love and caring from the family. Better to bring them to travel, sport or outdoor activity often.

School should teach more about self-protecting and teach about cyber bullying which will create awareness.

If a people find trouble for himself especially those posting video include himself. Nothing much we can do but only wishing good luck. What they thinking is not what we can figure and acceptable. It is too non-mainstream.

Advice to prevent are block all those people, report them, be strong and confident, speak out if not satisfied and learn to protect our self. Everyone may be successful, so never underestimate.

Monday 28 October 2013

WEchat / Disadvantage of Games

Social network is good. It is free for us to contact with friend and family. We also can play some mini game to relax, advertise something, and share good videos, songs, movies and articles. Moreover, it is a fastest tool to pass the message and share the news.

There are many free apps, software and social network. We have to use it wisely. Simply use it will just make troubles for ourselves. That is also 1 of the factors that increase crime rate. Not only WEchat, but all the social networks such as FACEBOOK, E-mail, Twitter, Blogger, WHATapp, INSTAGRAM, etc.

There are some advice to use them:

  1. Never always spam status about location of ourselves. It is very dangerous as criminal may target you.
  2. Never be too close to stranger. You may give information accidentally. It turns you into victim.
  3. Never go online dating. There are many love scam just to cheat money and get benefit from you.
  4. Never show off and trash talk to others. You don't know who are them and what they are.
  5. Never add stranger. You can add them but immediately to check their information. If you found out that it is weird, delete them from friend list.
Not to say we cannot add friend. We can make friend that have same interest like sports, games or business, but better not to do so if you are a easy going and careless person.

Besides that, we must also be careful when online shopping and trading. We don't just simply transfer money to another person. We should read the terms and conditions, and check out the others' identity and information. Make a deal between each other to protect ourselves from harms.

Be a wise user, limited our own information to others. 

Monday 21 October 2013

Love / Immigration

Malaysia is a non-disaster and a less stress country. Malaysia have delicious foods, beautiful scenery and is multicultural with different races. 

However, Malaysia have worst political, bad politicians and bad country leaders. It leads to corruptions and bad public security. 

Besides, there are so many foreign workers got into Malaysia. Maybe 20 years later it leads to Bangalasia, who knows?

For me, the survival ability in Malaysia is better many others country especially developed country. You may not need to have a better qualification or degree in order to have a better job. 

Things are different between Malaysia and overseas:

  1. There are many free and cheaper things, or even "free". You can watch movie online without paying, you can spam download songs and pictures; those things may be forbidden, or we must buy original or pay for it or even, more expensive.
  2. There are many things allow in Malaysia; but strict in overseas. For example: chewing gum, parking, etc.
  3. Overseas may be a more open-minded country.
In my opinion, immigration is not a wise choice for us. We got no strength and power, and poor in skills and assets.

Even thought we can immigrate but it is hard for us (outsiders). 
  • Their culture is unclear. We might easy get cheated.
  • Their rules and regulations is unknown. We might get into troubles. 
  • There always have more process for us to go through as we can't have the same treatment and status as locals. 
  • Different view and criticize from their local people. We have to rebuild our interpersonal relationship and our assets.
If there is a chance for me, I would choose Japan because i love anime and games.
If there is a chance for me, i would choose to stay in Malaysia.

Monday 14 October 2013

Euthanasia / LGBT

We can seen euthanasia in movies scene.

No matter how, we have to respect on the patient and their decision.

I think that there is no law such thing in this term. It is just ethics. Law is just to help to protect people away from bad activity purpose.

It is good for vegetative or cancer patients, or even serious sickness patients, eg: severe disability, or patients with no hand and legs. It is so suffer for all of them to go on their life. Not all the people can bear the pain. I rather choose to use euthanasia also not to let them suffer. If i am a doctor, i will introduce euthanasia to them.

Even though they are alive, but they don't seem alive. It may just wasting resources and creating or making troubles for their love one. Hospital and other fees are not cheap now days though. Not all the payer are affordable. Even affordable, the patient will still pass away, then there is no meaning to do it, why not make use of the $ for better purpose? 

Look to the future not the pass. People will still pass away. It can't be stopped. 

Of cause we should listen to the patient, and archive the things that they want to. That is the thing at least we can do. At least we try.

I will choose to use euthanasia if I am in the situation.

How to prevent from using euthanasia? Before sickness,
  • Drink more water
  • Eat more healthy
  • Sports and exercise often
  • Get away from drugs, cigarette and alcohol
  • Be optimistic

Monday 7 October 2013

As the eldest in the family

I think personality not only influence by birth-order but also outsides and peers.

As the eldest in the family, I think i have the big responsible for the future of family and siblings. I have more attention from parents and people, and high expectation from them. I don't like that and I feel stressful for that. 

I have no freedom because of that. Mostly eldest can't go for their own dream and can't do what they want.

Eldest have to be more responsible and must have their opinion as to make decision sometime. It naturally makes the eldest a leader, as me.

Eldest more independent, have more opinion, ambitious, strong and confident, cooperative, sociable, diplomatic and intensive, as me.

Eldest mostly know many ways to release the stress and have better managing skills, as me.

But i am more a easy going, sociable, outgoing person.