Yong Swee Meng
SEGi College Subang Jaya
English for Academic Studies - Journal

Monday 7 October 2013

As the eldest in the family

I think personality not only influence by birth-order but also outsides and peers.

As the eldest in the family, I think i have the big responsible for the future of family and siblings. I have more attention from parents and people, and high expectation from them. I don't like that and I feel stressful for that. 

I have no freedom because of that. Mostly eldest can't go for their own dream and can't do what they want.

Eldest have to be more responsible and must have their opinion as to make decision sometime. It naturally makes the eldest a leader, as me.

Eldest more independent, have more opinion, ambitious, strong and confident, cooperative, sociable, diplomatic and intensive, as me.

Eldest mostly know many ways to release the stress and have better managing skills, as me.

But i am more a easy going, sociable, outgoing person.

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